Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology
Learning experiences within helping disciplines: Faculty and student observations
LaShondra Manning 1, Felicia Murray 1, Ebony Hall Lang 1 * , Beck Munsey 1, Tiffany Wigington 1
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1 Tarleton State University
* Corresponding Author
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Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2023 - Volume 5 Issue 1, pp. 31-43

Article Type: Research Article

Published Online: 10 Apr 2023

Views: 993 | Downloads: 654

Demographic changes in the United States population have created an increasing need for educators to leverage pedagogical approaches best suited to meet the learning styles and lived experiences of students in the classroom setting.  These demographic changes have created a need for research that explores the role of race, ethnicity, cultural background, and other characteristics and their influence on student achievement. The purpose of this study was to begin examining the perspectives of students and educators on the existence of culturally responsive teaching in higher education human service disciplines, specifically counseling and social work. This qualitative research captures the environmental educational experience of students and faculty within two helping disciplines: counseling and social work.  Their responses help researchers better understand the participants’ perception of culturally responsive learning environments in a higher education setting in the southwest region of the United States.  The response rate was 28% for student participants (n = 191) and 55% for faculty participants (n = 21). However, 76.4% (n = 146) of the student participants completed survey in its entirety and 67% (n = 14) of the faculty participants completed the survey in its entirety. Researchers reviewed the qualitative responses to identify themes. The study yielded three major themes. These themes characterized student and faculty experiences in the classroom and were identified as: 1) varied teaching methods, 2) engaged learning environments, and 3) culturally responsive versus cultural nonresponsive. The results support the need for educators to be mindful of curriculum that supports the type of learning environment experienced by students. When students have a sense of belonging, it influences their perception of safety within the learning environment. Faculty play a huge role in creating a safe space and educators must know how to facilitate safe spaces in the classroom for all students to be sensitive to diverse cultural experiences.
In-text citation: (Manning et al., 2023)
Reference: Manning, L., Murray, F., Hall Lang, E., Munsey, B., & Wigington, T. (2023). Learning experiences within helping disciplines: Faculty and student observations. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 5(1), 31-43.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Manning L, Murray F, Hall Lang E, Munsey B, Wigington T. Learning experiences within helping disciplines: Faculty and student observations. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2023;5(1), 31-43.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Manning L, Murray F, Hall Lang E, Munsey B, Wigington T. Learning experiences within helping disciplines: Faculty and student observations. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2023;5(1):31-43.
In-text citation: (Manning et al., 2023)
Reference: Manning, LaShondra, Felicia Murray, Ebony Hall Lang, Beck Munsey, and Tiffany Wigington. "Learning experiences within helping disciplines: Faculty and student observations". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2023 5 no. 1 (2023): 31-43.
In-text citation: (Manning et al., 2023)
Reference: Manning, L., Murray, F., Hall Lang, E., Munsey, B., and Wigington, T. (2023). Learning experiences within helping disciplines: Faculty and student observations. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 5(1), pp. 31-43.
In-text citation: (Manning et al., 2023)
Reference: Manning, LaShondra et al. "Learning experiences within helping disciplines: Faculty and student observations". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 5, no. 1, 2023, pp. 31-43.
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