Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology
Investigating the impact of classroom management, teacher quality, and mathematics interest on mathematics achievement
Bright Asare 1 * , Natalie B. Welcome 2, Yarhands D. Arthur 1
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1 Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumas, Ghana
2 Arizona State University, Tempe, United States
* Corresponding Author
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Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2024 - Volume 6 Issue 2, pp. 30-46

Article Type: Research Article

Published Online: 20 Mar 2024

Views: 1414 | Downloads: 1066

This study examines the impact classroom management, quality of teachers, and student’s mathematics interest on their mathematics achievement in a few senior high schools in Ghana.  The respondents’ information was gathered using well-structured questionnaires. Three senior high schools were chosen, and 300 final-year students were chosen using convenience sampling, stratified sampling, and simple random sampling techniques. Three days prior to the letter’s sending, permission was obtained. The teacher on duty at the time of the data collection gave authorization for data to be collected during class hours. Using Amos and SPSS software, the study used structural equation modeling to evaluate the various correlations among the variables based on the 285 complete questionnaires. The findings of the study revealed that, effective classroom management and student enthusiasm in mathematics positively influenced math achievement. Also, math achievement was negatively impacted by teacher quality, but this effect was statistically significant. In order to raise students’ math achievement, teachers must use effective teaching and learning strategies to gain students’ attention in mathematics teaching and learning. Moreover, mathematics teachers must consider individual differences when teaching.     
In-text citation: (Asare et al., 2024)
Reference: Asare, B., Welcome, N. B., & Arthur, Y. D. (2024). Investigating the impact of classroom management, teacher quality, and mathematics interest on mathematics achievement. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 6(2), 30-46.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Asare B, Welcome NB, Arthur YD. Investigating the impact of classroom management, teacher quality, and mathematics interest on mathematics achievement. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2024;6(2), 30-46.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Asare B, Welcome NB, Arthur YD. Investigating the impact of classroom management, teacher quality, and mathematics interest on mathematics achievement. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2024;6(2):30-46.
In-text citation: (Asare et al., 2024)
Reference: Asare, Bright, Natalie B. Welcome, and Yarhands D. Arthur. "Investigating the impact of classroom management, teacher quality, and mathematics interest on mathematics achievement". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2024 6 no. 2 (2024): 30-46.
In-text citation: (Asare et al., 2024)
Reference: Asare, B., Welcome, N. B., and Arthur, Y. D. (2024). Investigating the impact of classroom management, teacher quality, and mathematics interest on mathematics achievement. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 6(2), pp. 30-46.
In-text citation: (Asare et al., 2024)
Reference: Asare, Bright et al. "Investigating the impact of classroom management, teacher quality, and mathematics interest on mathematics achievement". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 6, no. 2, 2024, pp. 30-46.
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